Call for papers, FSAC Annual Meeting, "Common Spaces", June 13-16, 2024

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Home < Call for papers, FSAC Annual Meeting, "Common Spaces", June 13-16, 2024
17 November 2023

For its next annual meeting which will take place during the 2024 Annual Congress of the Humanities at McGill University, the Association canadienne d'ethnologie et de folklore/Folklore Studies Association of Canada has chosen “Common Spaces” as its theme.

In accordance with the theme of Congress 2024, “Sustaining shared futures”, ACEF/FSAC invites researchers working on ethnology, folklore, cultural heritage, or popular and vernacular culture to explore the spatial dimension of the construction and preservation of the common. The current specters of ecological crises, social tensions and technological risks, invite us to rethink our conceptions of the local and the global, culture and nature, the human and the non-human, or tradition and progress. Folklorists and ethnologists, through their attention to cultural practices in all their multiplicity, can thus contribute in exploring the forms and conditions of collective life that can be valued, constructed or preserved, in order to ensure our common futures.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

- Cultural heritage and the environment

- Ways of dwelling

- New communities

- Food and foodways in the Anthropocene

- Folklore and ecology

- New spaces of life in common

- Spaces of cultural transmission

Proposal on any other topic related to the fields of folklore and ethnology will also be taken into consideration.

Proposals must be sent online using this form. They must include a title, a summary of 1000 characters, as well as your name, institutional affiliation, and contact details.

Please note that presenters must be members of the Folklore Studies Association of Canada/ l’Association canadienne d’ethnologie et de folklore.  If your abstract is accepted, you will not be included in the program unless you have paid your membership for 2024. Please use the link below to complete your membership application and payment:

Students, unemployed, and underemployed: $30 membership.

Regular members: $70 membership.

Membership fees can be sent through PayPal on the FSAC/ACEF website.

All FSAC/ACEF attendees will have to register as a Delegate on the Congress website by paying the ‘Congress Fee’ as well as the ‘Association Conference Fee(s)’ for the Association(s) and Conference(s) in which you will be participating.

Registration fees for the Association Conference : 40$ for students/unemployed/retired, 100$ for regular members

Black or Indigenous students can benefit from a free Congress registration. Please contact us for more details.

Further details concerning fees and registration will be provided by the end of November 2023. Online registration on the Congress website opens in January 2024.

Deadline: January 26, 2024