For authors

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We invite your submissions of scholarly work on traditional and popular culture.

Guidelines for authors

Submission Process

Manuscripts should be submitted following the style guide below for English authors. If an article is accepted for publication, the author will be required to provide a copy of the text (accompanied by a 100 word abstract and a brief biographical sketch) in electronic form (MS Word) to the Editor-in-chief, the Assistant editor, and, when applicable, the guest-editor(s).

Articles. Research articles should not exceed 7,500 words in length (including all figures, tables, references, and notes).

Research Notes. The journal also publishes field notes or research reports. These are shorter than major articles and are restricted to personal reflections or straightforward presentations of research results.

Book Reviews. Manuscripts of book reviews should be sent to the reviews editor, and follow the same guidelines as articles.

Style guide

Place citations in parentheses and include the author’s name and the source’s year of publication, with no intervening punctuation, at the end of a sentence or before a comma or semicolon, whenever possible: (Turgeon 2005).

Always include page numbers for quotations or extensive paraphrases, using a hyphen for page ranges: (Turgeon 2005: 205-206).

Use semicolons to separate two or more references in a single parenthetical citation and list them alphabetically: (Greenhill 2015; MacKinnon 2014; Pichette 2010; Turgeon 2005).

Use the first author’s last name and et al. for works with four or more authors.

Do not use ibid., passim, op. cit.

Reference list


Turgeon, Laurier. 2003. Patrimoines métissés. Contextes coloniaux et postcoloniaux. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval.

Bender, Courtney and Pamela E. Klassen. 2010. After Pluralism: Reimagining Religious Engagement. New York: Columbia University Press.

Book Chapters

Dube, Saurabh. 2010. “Ties that Bind: Tribe, Village, Nation, and S. C. Dube.” In Patricia Uberoi, Nandini Sundar and Satish Deshpande (eds.), Anthropology in the East: Founders of Indian Sociology and Anthropology: 444-495. New Delhi: Permanent Black.

Comaroff, Jean. 1996. “The Empire’s Old Clothes: Fashioning the Colonial Subject.” In David Howes (ed.), Cross-Cultural Consumption: Global Markets, Local Realities: 19-38. London: Routledge.

Edited Volumes

Auzas, Vincent and Van Troi Tran (eds.). 2010. Patrimoines sensibles: Mots, espaces, pratiques. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval.

Stoler, Ann (ed.). 2013. Imperial Debris: On Ruins and Ruination. Durham: Duke University Press.

Journal Articles

Bessire, Lucas and David Bond. 2014. “Ontological Anthropology and the Deferral of Critique.” American Ethnologist 41(3): 440-456.

Pocius, Gerald L. 2014. “The Government of Canada and Intangible Cultural Heritage. An Excursion into Federal Domestic Policies and the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Convention.” Ethnologies 36(1-2): 63-92.

Online Resources

Stoller, Paul. 2016. “Revisiting the Anthropology of Trump: Ethnography and the Power of Culture.” The Huffington Post, November 10.


Please submit each figure as a separate file, in high resolution (300 dpi). Provide tables and graphs in their original format. Captions should be supplied within the manuscript file (title, location, date, source, with any relevant copyright information).

Proposals for guest-edited volumes 

Ethnologies welcomes submissions for guest-edited volumes around any theme or topic related to traditional or popular culture. The manuscripts will undergo the same review process as any other manuscript.

Author Responsibilities

Any author submitting a manuscript for publication in the journal Ethnologies, agrees to the following, in the event of publication of the manuscript (hereinafter referred to as the "work"):

The authors cede to the journal Ethnologies, within the exclusive framework of its publication, all right, title or interest relating to the work. This transfer includes all the rights covered by the Copyright Act and the right to perform acts provided for in this Act on the work, without limitation those, with regard to the work, to distribute it on the Internet, to publish it, to reproduce it on any medium.

The authors waive the exercise of their moral rights with regard to the work, insofar as the persons responsible for the protection of Ethnologies undertake to protect their reputation and their honor.

Authors are responsible for: the content of their articles, the accuracy of their citations and attribution, obtaining legal permissions for publication of submitted material (including documentary supplements such as tables or images), and submission of their manuscripts in a suitable format for publication.

The authors also guarantee that the work does not contain any illegal, illicit or defamatory information that could discredit an organization, person, event, practice, locality, building, place or any other subject dealt with therein.

Manuscripts submitted to Ethnologies must not have been simultaneously submitted for publication to any other journal, or have already been published elsewhere in any form.

The authors agree to seek the authorization of Ethnologies in the event of a full or partial reuse of the work in another publication (excluding thesis and unpublished university work). Following the obtaining of said authorization, we undertake to mention in the references or footnotes of the existence of the work.


Manuscripts are evaluated by the editor-in-chief and then by external anonymous reviewers. Guest editors can also participate in the evaluation process. Authors are invited to suggest potential reviewers; however, the editor will not be bound by these suggestions.