Annual meeting FSAC – 2015

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Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Ottawa

May 30-June 1, 2015

Final program

The final program for the next FSAC conference, which will be held in Ottawa from May 30th to June 1st, is now available.
This version is lightly different from the one on the Federation website. Please consider this one as the official.

Informations about the congress in Ottawa

You will find on the Federation for the humanities and social sciences congress website all the informations you need to have a great stay in Ottawa: accomodations, food services, maps, transportation, etc.

See the section «Plan your trip / Local amenties» in particular.

May 30th reception

FSAC invites conference participants to a reception, where drinks and appetizers will be served.
Appointment at 6:30 PM at Point Rouge Gallerie d’Arts, 92 rue Montcalm, Gatineau (Qc) (see the map).
We recommend to get there by carpooling, taxi (10 to 15 minutes, 4,4 km), or bus (line 8, 25-30 minutes, (circuit 8, 25-30 min, see the route).

May 31st Banquet 

All registered conference participants are invited to attend the annual association’s banquet.
We will meet at 7:00 PM at Coasters Gourmet Grill, 54 rue York (15 minutes by walk, see the map).

Call for papers

Keynote speaker: Dr. Jack Zipes (emeritus, University of Minnesota)

In accordance with the theme of “Capital Ideas” for the 2015 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, the Folklore Studies Association of Canada/l’Association canadienne d’ethnologie et de folklore has selected “Mediations” as the theme for our 2015 annual conference program.

The theme of “Mediations” is an invitation for scholars and students of folklore, popular culture, and cultural heritage to examine how the transmission of knowledge and ideas emerges from a complex background of skills, traditions and performances. As cultural forms, practices, representations and traditions are constantly going through processes of translation, adaptation, and mediation, this entails that, paradoxically, practices of cultural conservation and transmission often rely on technological innovations and the creation and extension of new infrastructures of mediation. Emerging concerns for the role of new media and digital technologies in contemporary life will also invite us to explore the significations and implications of these technologies of mediation and examine how they affect the ways in which culture is recorded, broadcasted, valued, transmitted and creatively appropriated.

The Program Committee invites proposals for papers, in English or French, which address the conference theme.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Digital technologies in the promotion of cultural heritage
  • Mediations of fairy tales in traditional and popular culture
  • Foodways and new media
  • Heritage and tourism
  • Globalization and culinary heritage
  • Digital culture and interdisciplinary challenges in folklore and ethnology
  • First Nations and Aboriginal knowledge and new media
  • “Folk histories” and youth in the 21st Century
  • Mediations of gender in traditional and popular culture
  • Techniques of mediation in ethnomusicology

As usual, proposals on any other topic in the fields of Folklore or Ethnology will also be considered.

All applicants must email their abstracts to Van Troi Tran (, FSAC/ACEF President and Program Committee chair for 2015. Be sure to include a 100 word abstract (including title of paper/presentation) along with your name, department, institutional affiliation, and contact information by November 7, 2014.  Abstracts longer than 100 words will be returned for review.

Panel submissions are encouraged. For complete panels, please submit a 100-word panel abstract, a list of all participants, as well as separate 100-word abstracts for each presenter. Please identify and provide contact information for the panel organizer. We also welcome proposals for other session formats including roundtables, film screenings, performances and poster sessions.

Please note that presenters must be members of the Folklore Studies Association of Canada/ l’Association canadienne d’ethnologie et de folklore.  If your abstract is accepted, you will not be included in the program unless you have paid your membership for 2015. Please use the link below to complete your membership application and payment:

Students, unemployed, and underemployed: $30 membership.

Regular members: $60 membership.

Membership fees can be sent through PayPal on the FSAC/ACEF website.

All FSAC/ACEF attendees will have to register as a Delegate on the Congress website ( by paying the ‘Congress Fee’ as well as the ‘Association Conference Fee(s)’ for the Association(s) and Conference(s) in which you will be participating. Further details concerning fees and registration will be provided by December 2014. Online registration on the Congress website opens in January 2015.

FSAC/ACEF may cover partial travel expenses for participants who are FSAC/ACEF members and attend the Annual General Meeting on the last day of the conference.

Travel funding policy: