FSAC Diversity scholarships

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FSAC Diversity scholarships'

In line with FSAC/ACEF’s commitment to expansion and diversification, the organization is pleased to offer scholarships to support participation in our annual conference. The scholarships are based on academic and/or professional merit and are meant for Indigenous and visible minority delegates who are students, underemployed, and unaffiliated scholars. These are voices that have historically been absent from or underrepresented at the annual meetings. If you would like to be considered for this scholarship, please send your application package, in either English or French, to Dr. John Bodner, Secretary-Treasurer of FSAC (acef.fsac@gmail.com) by March 31st. Place “FSAC Diversity Scholarships” in the subject line. The package should include a conference paper abstract, Curriculum Vitae, and a short cover letter.

The amount of the award will be determined by the number of applicants who apply for the fund. The award pool is $500.