Constitution of The Folklore Studies Association of Canada
The original document was ratified at the Annual General Meeting of the Association on the 2nd of June 1986.
The amendments were ratified at the AGM of the Association on the 21st of May 2005.
By-laws modified at the AGM of the association on June 5, 2022. Changes effective immediately.
- Name
The Name of the association is the Folklore Studies Association of Canada, hereinafter named * the Association *. - Objectives
This educational, non-profit Association is formed in order to:- a) develop standards of excellence, increase competence, and support study, education and research in the field of Folklore Studies in all its aspects;
- b) promote, publish, and disseminate Folklore research; and
- c) support and cooperate with any other association or institution whose objectives are consistent with those of the Association.
- Members
Any person who desires to promote the objectives of the Association is eligible for Individual, Joint (partners) or Student/Retired/Unwaged membership status. Any group, whose aims are consistent with those of the Association, or any institution, desiring to take part in the functions of the Association or to receive its publications, is eligible for Institutional membership. From time to time an individual may be awarded Honorary membership or elected as Honorary President of the Association in recognition of contributions to Canadian Folklore Studies. - Executive
The Executive of the Association, hereinafter named * the Executive *, consists of :- a) the President, for a two-year term;
- b) the President-Elect, elected for a two-year term and subsequently President;
- c) the Secretary-Treasurer, elected for a three-year term renewable twice;
- d) the French-language Member-at-Large, elected for a two-year term;
- e) the English-language Member-at-Large, elected for a two-year term staggered with respect to the French-language Member-at-Large’s term;
- f) the French-language Student Member, elected by the students for a two-year term; and
- g) the English-language Student Member, elected by the students for a two-year term, staggered with respect to the French-language Student Member’s term.
- h) the Bulletin editor, two-year terms. Non-voting member.
- i) the Ethnologies editor. Non-voting member.
- Administration
The administration of the affairs of the Association is vested in the Executive. The Executive may fill any Executive vacancy by means of a pro-tempore appointment, the person so appointed serving only until the next Annual General Meeting of the Association. The Executive may be called to meet at such times and places as the President may designate and may also be called by a majority of the Executive. A simple majority of the Executive constitutes a quorum for meetings of the Executive. - Operations
The business of the Association is carried on without purpose of gain for its Members. Any profit or other valuable accretion to the Association is used to promote its objectives. - Dissolution
In the event of the dissolution or winding-up of the Association, all its assets remaining after payment of liabilities shall be distributed to one or more recognized charitable organizations in Canada. - Area of Operation
The operations of the Association may be carried out throughout Canada. - Languages
English and French are the official languages of the Association. - Amendment
This Constitution may only be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Members attending an Annual General Meeting of the Association. The Executive shall circulate any proposed Amendment to the membership at least six (6) weeks before that meeting.
This Constitution is in effect from June 2, 1987.
By-laws of The Folklore Studies Association of Canada
- Membership
- a) The Secretary-Treasurer will receive any application for membership, and annual dues payable should accompany such application.
- b) Only Members-in-good-standing may vote on Association matters.
- c) Any Member may resign at any time by sending a Letter of Resignation to the Secretary-Treasurer.
- Finances
- a) The Fiscal year of the Association begins January 1 and ends December 31.
- b) The Annual General Meeting may, by majority vote, fix the annual dues payable by the membership.
- c) Members who fail to pay their dues by the first day of the annual conference or in the event that a conference is not held, June 1st may forfeit their membership.
- Duties of the Executive Officers
- a) President
The President coordinates all activities of the Association; presides at all meetings, General, Executive or Special; appoints, with the advice and consent of the Executive, all Committee chairpersons; countersigns cheques; and ensures that the Association actively pursues its objectives. - b) President-Elect
The President-Elect assumes the duties of the President at any Meeting from which the latter may be absent, coordinates the activities of all committees, and presides over the Nominating Committee and the Elections. - c) Secretary-Treasurer
The Secretary-Treasurer receives membership dues and any other monies received by or due to the Association, makes authorized reoccurring annual disbursements and maintains a bank account for these purposes; extra-ordinary expenses over two hundred dollars must be approved by the executive; keeps the books of the Association and submits them within a reasonable time, when requested, to the Auditor appointed by the President ; delivers a report to the AGM on the past year’s budget and presents a proposed budget outline for the current year; keeps the Membership List, organizes and supervises the secretarial work of the Association, maintains the Association’s Mailing Address and receives and transmits any official correspondence between the Association and its Members; and keeps the Archives of the Association and turns them and all records, correctly audited, over to the succeeding Secretary-Treasurer. - d) French-language and English Language Members-at-large
The French-language and English-language Members-at-Large keep accurate records, in French and English respectively, of all General and Executive meetings; oversee, in their several languages, the Association’s procedures concerning the official languages; work to build membership; and occupy posts on the Nominating Committee, receive Nominations and transmit them to the President-Elect, and serve as Scrutineers during Elections. - e) Student Members
The Student members represent concerns and interests of students to the Executive.
- a) President
- Election of Officers
- a) The Nominating Committee consists of the members of the Executive and the President Elect.
- b) The Nominating Committee will call for nominations preceding the Annual General Meeting. Individuals may also be nominated during the AGM. Individuals may self-nominate or be put forward by a second party. Nominees put forward by a second party will have to agree to stand for the position. If necessary, an election for the positions will take place during the AGM.
- c) The election shall take place during the AGM with a show of hands. Where the AGM takes place via distance technologies, or where members attend the AGM via distance technologies electronic polling software applications will be used to record votes.
- d) Candidates are elected by simple majority.
- e) Officers may be elected to the same office for no more than two consecutive terms, except the President/President-Elect who may serve only one consecutive term.
- Committees
The Executive may create and dissolve Committees as it deems necessary. A Committee may consist of no fewer than three (3) members including a Chairperson. - Meetings
- a) The Annual General Meeting is held annually, the Executive choosing the specific date and site. Notice of the Annual General Meeting must be given to all Members at least four (4) weeks prior to Meeting date.
- b) Special Meetings of the Association may be called for such time and place as the Executive may fix. Notice of Special Meetings must be given by email thirty (30) days prior to Meeting date and must include a statement of business to be transacted. No other business will be considered at such a Meeting.
- c) Ten Members of the Association may request, in writing, a Special Meeting.
- d) Members shall be given opportunity to add items to the Agenda of the Annual General Meeting.
- e) At the Annual General and Special Meetings of the Association, five percent (5%) of the Membership constitutes a Quorum.
- Records
The Proceedings of all Annual General and Special Meetings are recorded and a written summary of these Proceedings is prepared by the Members-at-Large and the Secretary-Treasurer and approved by the Executive. The Books and records of the Association may be inspected by any member of the Association at a reasonable time and place as fixed by the Executive. Archival materials, in the judgement of the Executive no longer essential to Association business, are committed to the Memorial University of Newfoundland Folklore and Language Archive for storage. - Publications
The Association publishes a Bulletin and a Journal as funds permit. - Language
- a) Official documents of the Association are written in both French and English.
- b) Members speaking at Meetings of the Association may do so in the official language of their choice.
- c) At any time during a Meeting, a Member may request an abstract, in the other official language, of a presentation or of discussion.
- Rules of Procedure
During its Meetings, the Association follows Robert’s Rules of Order. - Amendments
- a) Any Member of the Association may present to the Executive, in writing, Amendments to these By-Laws. The Executive shall, at the next Annual General Meeting, present such Amendment(s) to the membership for consideration.
- b) A simple majority of the voting Members at an Annual General Meeting is required for adoption of any proposed Amendment to the By-Laws.