The Folklore Studies Association of Canada (FSAC) is an educational, non-profit association founded in June 1976 for the purpose of increasing education and research in the field of folklore studies in all its aspects. Multidisciplinary, scientific, and educational, the Folklore Studies Association of Canada is composed of over 200 members including folklorists, researchers, students, educators, retired adults, and people interested in folklore. The Association is bilingual; English and French are its official languages.
The educational, non-profit association’s three main objectives are to:
- develop standards of excellence, increase competence, and support study, education and research in the field of Folklore Studies in all its aspects;
- promote, publish, and disseminate Folklore research;
- support and cooperate with any other association or institution whose objectives are consistent with those of the Association.
The Folklore Studies Association of Canada (FSAC) is composed of the Executive of the Association and its 200 or so members. The administration of the affairs of the Association is vested in the Executive which consists of seven (7) members: the President, elected for a one-year term; the President-Elect, elected for a one-year term and subsequently President; the Secretary-Treasurer, elected for a three-year term; the French-language Member-at-Large, elected for a two-year term; the English-language Member-at-Large, elected for a two-year term staggered to the French-language Member-at-Large’s term; the French-language Student Member elected by the students for a two-year term; and the English-language Student Member elected by the students for a two-year term staggered to the French-language Student Member’s term.